Saturday, June 4, 2011

Well, who would have thought! I am actually retired (sort of).  After 36 years in the education field, I am now officially a full time wife, mother, Nana, and masters student! EEEEEEKKKK!  Where did the years go? I am so thrilled to be moving into this new stage of life with my amazing husband, Jay, who also retired this year after 30 years at Frito-Lay.  So..... we bought a motorhome, got 2 new boxer puppies, traded in an SUV for a convertible, and are heading for the heartland of America in 4 short weeks.  Yes, that's right - we will be official "Hautians" as we are transplanting to Terre Haute Indiana.  This is a bittersweet move for us.  Sweet in that we join Justin, Summer, Clayton, and Mattix and our new church home Maryland Community Church where Justin is the worship pastor.  But, we are leaving Jeff, Amber and Jeff, and Alex here in California.  We will be flying the friendly skies FREQUENTLY and hope our kids will be doing the same to come see us in our new home.  I am so blessed to have had such a wonderful career in Christian education over the past many years and look forward to obtaining my Marriage and Family Therapist degree this coming June.  Can't wait to see what God has in store! I do know that He has called us to this new adventure and that we are anxious to serve in any way he chooses for us.  So it is good-bye beach and palm trees and hello woodlands and snow for the Gilberts! Hope to become a more adept blogger soon :) God Bless!